Collaborative Family Law at Cohen Highley LLP

Collaborative Family Law

Collaborative Family Law is a voluntary dispute resolution process where each partner, with the help of their Collaboratively trained lawyer, reach a settlement that best meets their goals and priorities. The process begins with both parties signing an agreement committing to this process and agreeing not to proceed to court; the decisions made will be made through a cooperative process, rather than an adversarial process. Collaborative law is typically less expensive than proceeding through the court system and is often much quicker and an amicable process, where everyone works as a team, with financial family professionals to resolve any differences.

Our legal team is accessible, innovative, and professional.

We hold ourselves accountable for the quality of our work on every file and for every client. We are committed to meeting the needs of our clients, while acting fairly, firmly and with integrity. We will innovate and adapt to enable us to achieve practical and effective legal solutions.

    We hold ourselves accountable for the quality of our work on every file and for every client. We are committed to meeting the needs of our clients, while acting fairly, firmly and with integrity. We will innovate and adapt to enable us to achieve practical and effective legal solutions.

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