Info to Keep with Your Copy of the Will
The Cohen Highley Legal Moment on FM96: Info to keep with your copy of the will
Excluding the Value of Jointly Owned Property from Divorce Proceedings
The family farm holds an important place in our society and the lives’ of farmers. Not only is it likely a farmer’s most valuable asset, but it is also likely that it has been passed down through generations by way of inheritance or gift. We all know many farmers...Estate Planning – Attempting to Avoid Probate Fees – Risks of Joint Ownership
Disclaimer – The foregoing is not to be considered as legal advice, and is intended as general information only. Legal advice can only be given in the context of a known set of circumstances. Joint Ownership Strategy A common strategy being promoted to avoid...The “Double Edged Sword” of Property Tax Decreases for Multi-Res Buildings
Commonly, when a municipality imposes a property tax reduction, it will give you & your tenants notice of an automatic rent reduction so that the tax savings are passed directly to your tenants. Unfortunately, a “default” formula is used to calculate the tax...Rights of Parents Smoking or Using Marijuana Around Children?
The Cohen Highley Legal Moment on FRESH RADIO