Purchasing a Condo? Here’s What to Expect

For many Ontarians, purchasing a home is a major milestone. Singles, couples, and families who decide to purchase a suite in a condominium may, understandably, feel like they are beginning an exciting new chapter in their lives. However, purchasing a condo comes with unique conditions and responsibilities. Sometimes the excitement of starting fresh in a new home can be undermined by confusion, lack of preparation, and complicated questions.

A Guide to Domestic Contracts

A domestic contract is a general term for a written agreement made between two people who are cohabiting in or cohabited in a marriage-like relationship. The gender of the couple is irrelevant. They generally address financial matters and the couple’s ownership of property, but they can address additional matters depending on the circumstances.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Many commonplace, everyday hazards can cause an unsuspecting person to slip and fall. These accidents can occur in public spaces, private residential property, retail stores, and other commercial locations where hazardous features go unaddressed. Depending on the circumstances, these accidents can have serious physical repercussions. Learning about common causes of slip and fall accidents may help prevent them from happening in the future. To read more, click here.